So I have spent the morning playing tug and bitey face with Banjo and trying to get mom to throw the ball for me.

While she was in the shower we got crazy again and ripped Red Dog's eyes off and pulled some of his fluffy stuff out.

Mom was not very happy with the mess we made in the kitchen or that Red Dog needed emergency surgery.

poor red dog..Timmy hates the snow too:)
I LOVE the snow.
poor red dog. mommy says I have a certain respect for my pink dog mr. happy because it's the only stuffie that I dont purposly try to rip open. Hopefully red dog recovers from surgery!
lots of licks,
Lucky for us, mom was able to repair Red Dog. He doesn't have any eyes now and is missing one squeaker, but that's okay, we can still play tug with him.
I don't like the snow. It makes me shiver and shake. Banjo has decided he does not like it either.
Hi, Bijou!
You got snow?? Hmmmm... I guess I would not like it either!
Here we had 86 degrees today!
Good job with your red dog!
Sure is nice your mom could fix it!
Kisses and hugs
Heheh, mom gave up on repairing my stuffies...there's no point! :-)
But that means I don't get new ones very often.
Dang! :-(
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