Friday, August 13, 2010


Two (imaginary)dog bones go to the first doggy that can correctly guess why the picture below, is one my mom will be putting in Banjo's album and saving furever.

Congrats to Tank and Bruschi for guessing the reason.

Yepper, it's the standup ears that makes this picture a keeper. Mom has 1000's of pictures of Banjo but only a few where he's got both ears standing up! Usually he looks all mopey with droopy ears in his pix, as many of you have commented on. So mom wanted to bring special attention to this ear-resistible picture.

If you ask me, he looks like a doofus no matter what! BOL


Two French Bulldogs said...

Ummm, cause you are the cutest baby ever?
Benny & Lily

Bijou said...

Sorry Ben & Lil, no nummies for you. My mom agrees Banjo is real cute, but she says there is something else special 'bout this picture.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that Banjo has his own album!!

Well, it's got to be something about the ears... first time in a picture that they are both straight up???

Bruschi said...

I'm with Tank! It's got to be the ears!!!

Bijou said...

Congrats to Tank & Bruschi. You both get imaginary bones for guessing right. Hope you enjoy it!


Unknown said...

I loves da Banjo with his Droopy Ears!!!!!!!!!!!! He be extra cute dat way!!


Rambo said...

we have one droopy ear too, and our G-Mom loves when both ears stand at attention. I don't get what the big deal is, do you???

Draco and his Mom said...

Banjo must have been on the hunt...he looks very handsome with both his ears all perky, but we think he looks like the adorable baby brother with his relaxed ears.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are there pupsikhle stikhks there somewhere?


Lorenza said...

Yes! The ears!
Pawesome picture!
Happy Friday!
Kisses and hugs

Kari in Alaska said...

Those are some awesome ears!

Don't forget, we moved to

kishiko said...

I love this Banjo's picture,too!
His standup ears are so cute!

Anonymous said...

He looks different with them up... I think he should keep them down.
Don’t forget to hop on over to my blog for the Give-A-Way! You could win a custom made dog collar just for YOU! You even get to pick the fabric and style. All you have to do is leave me a comment and get an extra entry by also telling me what your favorite fabric is or by posting about it on your bloggie! It’s that easy peasy for 3 chances to win!! I hope you will play with me!! Good luck!


Christy Stewart said...

So freakin' cute!!!!!!!!!!