Today me and Banjo got two things in the mail. One was this sign that mom thought we needed to hang on our back gate. It's to let everyone know Rat Terrier Security is on duty. Like two little yappy dogs is going to scare anyone. BOL Whatever mom.
The second thing we got was a thank you card from Dobby and his mom Sharon. We had sent them some gifts that had been bought for Paw It Forward, but when no doggy signed up to play, we decided to send three of our furiends a surprise. Mom gave me the envelope since it was addressed to me, but I needed some help getting it open.
Getting stuff in the mail is so much fun that I now watch out the window when I hear the mail truck outside. I bark at the driver to let him know I am excited and hope he is bringing me some mail. We hope you all get something terrific in the mail too!
hi Bijou, we really like your sign. you two look really scary - hee hee!!!!!
that's so cool that you sent gifts to your friends. it was nice of them to send you a thank you card too. mail is great.
I love your new sign. And, I agree, I too love getting mail! It's so fun!!
Cool sign - we have a similiar one - but our presence may be a little more threatening cause there are 3 of us!!
OMG, where did you get that sign? I want one!!!
my mommy has an "attack dog on duty" sign! Silly mommies, they realize we're little dogs right? haha
GREAT SIGN - Love it, love it, love it!
Paw it forward is great!
Your sign is so funny!
Rufus and Indie
Mail is fun.... and I think Sugar has been out and about shopping for some special doggies that names start with the letter B!!!
I haven't done paw it forward yet but it sure sounds like fun...might have to give it a try. Excellent sign! ~Twix
come check out our page... there is something for you there :)
Oh yes!
It is khwite fun!
And even more fun since my mail kharrier kharries biskhuits AND he's told his fill in she has to do the same!
Khool sign!
I should get one of those signs for my dad's rat terrier. The only mail my guys get is from the vet!! YECH
Hi, Bijou!
Your new sign is pawesome!
Now, everyone knows who is in charge!
Getting mail is great!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Bijou! So cool that you got the sign! Are you getting the other one too?
I'm sure it will scare away any potential burglars!
I would love to get mail...How do you play Paw it Forward?
Your pal,
Sign is waaaaaaaaaay cool!
I'm concerned about the comment you left on my blog Bijou... the thought of those squirrels talking about me kind of freaks me out. Next time, would you PLEASE try to get close enough to hear what they're
saying! Hey, why haven't you joined up??? We need someone in counterintelligence... a spy to infiltrate their world and then report back... interested? We might have to keep your identity a secret though.
Hi Bijou and Banjo!
Cool!!! I like your sign!
You look so happy to get a mail. It is great!
Mommee BOLed when she saw your sign!! We think that would scare Waldo away--he is frightened of the little doggies.
Gus and Waldo
Super cool sign, Bijou! No one will ever dare enter into your yard uninvited! :)
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