Monday, July 26, 2010

More Fun At The Park

Hi furiends.
Yesterday I left you wondering what Banjo had seen.
My little brother thinks he's smarter than me but he ain't.
I saw what he saw BEFORE he saw it.

These ducks sitting in the shade.

They moved closer to the water when we walked past cause Banjo was barking.

After we passed the ducks we saw this path leading off to a new part of the park. It's a "natural wetland". There's lots of waterplants, like cattails, and a bridge over a little pond where the frogs and turtles live.

Come on Mom. Lets go see it!

The footbridge.

A purdy red flower. Mom says it's a Cardinal Flower.

Why are you walking so slow?

Footbridge just ahead!

Eeew! The water is green.

Where are the froggies?

Can we go now?
I'm tried of looking for frogs.
It's hot out here.

We met the ducks again on our way back to the truck.

Resting in the shade before we head home.


Sam said...

That nature trail looks really cool! We are so in love with walking through natural places. Must have been fun for you guys!

Unknown said...

What a nice park you have to hang out in! Complete with da Duckies!!!!!

My mom is a freak lovin' Duckies!!!


Unknown said...

What a nice park you have to hang out in! Complete with da Duckies!!!!!

My mom is a freak lovin' Duckies!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice place to walk, but what's with that weird green water??

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

What a wonderful place to visit! Thanks for taking us along!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

It looks like you both had a great time at the park!! What did you talk about with the duckies?

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

♥ Sallie said...

Don't drink the green water! :)

Kari in Alaska said...

eeeew green water

Lorenza said...

Sure it was pawesome to see them there... and bark at them too!
Thanks for sharing your walkie!
Kisses and hugs

Anna the GSD said...

Wow! That's a wonderful park! How did you resist that LOVELY green water?? That's the BEST!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That trail looks like such a beautiful place to walk. Did those ducks quack at you? Beautiful photo of you two at the end there.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Bruschi said...

Quack Quack! We love ducks! They always run away though! Just once I'd like to play with one!

I hope you didn't swim in that green lagoon! BOL!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Hi Bijou!!!! Those ducks are pawsome!!! We could have so much fun with them, if only they would stick around long enough!!!
Funny you mentioned your mom had a golden/lab cross, we were told Maggie was a pure golden and to much to our surprise she is a golden/lab mix, go figure!!! We love her to death no matter what and wouldn't trade her for the world!!!

Road Dog Tales said...

What a most excellent playground for you! Looks like an adventure-filled day!
The Road Dogs

Road Dog Tales said...

Pee S - Thanks for signing the petition to keep the dog-fighter in his crate!!!
The Road Dogs

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Bij, you know I think you're just the prettiest, but my mom is going gaga over Banjo in that last picture. Jeez...!


Draco and his Mom said...

That is a very cool place to go walk. I especially love the ducks, you can get some serious zoomies going on herding those things. I smelled some green water one day...I didn't like it at all.