I love the one with the ice cream truck...my mom said she used to get sticks from them all the time but now they are waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy to expensive. Wags, Draco
Hi Bijou, they actually do make peanut butter flavored toof paste! We had it before, but this time Mom got us chicken flavored, which is just as nummy!!
Happy Wordless Wednesday on Thursday - we are woefully behind:( The little grandbipeds got their first treats from the Ding Dong Man last week - bet the prices were a lot different when this pup was getting his.
I am a Toy Rat Terrier. My hair color is chocolate & white and I have hazel eyes. I weigh 10.4 lbs. My birthdate is December 20, 2007. I have one younger brother named, Banjo. This blog was started in hopes of finding some small friends to romp and wrestle with. It has become a journal where I share my adventures and thoughts with the world.
Hey Bij - Wassup? You're not around much anymore. We should start a support group for burned out bloggers... BOB for short. You in?
I like that German Shepherd's thinking :)
Too cute Bijou..ThankS!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilb
I love the one with the ice cream truck...my mom said she used to get sticks from them all the time but now they are waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
to expensive.
Great pikhs!
Of khourse, it is hard to top the GSD's plan!
Happy Wednesday!
I agree with Tank!
I miss you two a lot!
Kisses and hugs
We missed those photos and YOU!
Benny & Lily
Who needs to say anything with these lovely photos to look at. Of course, we ♥ the first one furry much!
Hi Bijou, they actually do make peanut butter flavored toof paste! We had it before, but this time Mom got us chicken flavored, which is just as nummy!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
BOL, that first picture is PAWSOME!!!
Happy Wordless Wednesday on Thursday - we are woefully behind:( The little grandbipeds got their first treats from the Ding Dong Man last week - bet the prices were a lot different when this pup was getting his.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'd trade place with at least two of those pups - the GSD ordering ice cream and the hound ON the kitchen table!!
Brutus the (traveling) Frenchie
pee ess - we miss seeing you more, but love that you have become a wordless Wednesday specialist!
hey Bijou,
we cannot blog yet but wanted to stop by to thank you for your support over grandpa's passing
How cute they are!
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