Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Silent Sunday

(It's a Silent Sunday cause I didn't do a Wordless Wednesday this week and I wanted to share these leftover pictures with my furiends.)


Two French Bulldogs said...

Thanks for your pictures. Don't drink that stuff the regular coke is tastier and makes ya run faster..BOL
Benny & Lily

Astrid Keel said...

O.M.D.... I love that last picture! PRICELESS!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Such cute pictures...we love that last one :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Sketching with Dogs said...

We hope you are getting rich from the coke people for all that advertising, BOL!
Wow, how clever are you learning to ride a bike.
Wags and kisses, Dinah, Bridget and Elliot xx

Ice Pony Girl said...

such a cute little doggie

Green-ish said...

We love your pictures, thank you for sharing! Especially the Diet Coke and the trike!

-Yoshi and Cody

Checkers & Chess said...

pawsome pics as usual - I hope your mom washed that can off first - don't want you getting any piggy flu germs

Anonymous said...

Hi Bij - nice Sunday pics

Sam said...

Cute pics - it looks like Banjo wants a sip of soda!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I loved the tri-cykhle pikh!


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are so glad you posted these!! The Diet Coke and tricycle pictures are pawesome!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bijou!
Those pictures tell a lot!
Happy sunday!
Kisses and hugs

BRUTUS said...

We love the last picture too! Now, if only your feet could reach the pedals....

Brutus the Frenchie

Bruschi said...

Diet coke?! BOL! I hope it had caffeine in it!
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Bijou and Banjo,

We came to say hi, we see you on a lot of the same blogs we visit. And Khyra told us about you.

Great pics, and oh that one on the trike is just so good.

woos, the OP Pack

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

I wouldn't drink that diet Coke if I were you. I'd go for the premium kind.


Courtney said...

Hi Bijou and Banjo!
Great captions needed! How in the world do you balance on that bicycle. I get so excited that I wag my nub and lose my balance. Oh are far more talented than I!
Puppy Kisses,
Sadie Lou

Piappies World said...

Hi Bijou and Banjo!
Thanks for sharing your photos. The bicycle shot is a winner! Mommy always tries to catch us sitting on our chair but the flashy box is soooo slow she could never get a good shot! Silly mommy we have.

- Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Awww, you two are always SO cute!

Woofs and Kisses!

Lexi said...

Mom and I loved your pictures. You look so good on that little trike. Have a fun day.

Wall-E said...

Hi Bijou! My name is Wall-E. I was looking at other blogs today and I saw your pictures. They are really nice! I live with Gramma and Papa in Missouri and I am always looking for new friends!

Miss Bella Lou said...

Bijou... you are too cute!!

Kari in Alaska said...

caffine free diet coke? really? you can do better than that!

Canine Crusader said...

LOL What's in that can? Great pictures! Woof- The Gang @ Dog Blog for Five Dogs

Katie Scarlett and Company said...

Hi Bijou. You are a cutie pie! I'm glad to see other dogs have their own site. I have one also! My site is called Please come and visit and join our message board to play with me and some of our other Rattie friends. We even have parties!! You and your friends would be made most welcome! And, I will come and visit you here also! Your site is very pretty! I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your friends better!