It is my 1st Blogiversary!!
I asked mom this morning how were we going to celebrate my first blogiversary and she just looked at me like a dummy then said she hoped I would have some suggestions. I stared back at her thinking this hooman is suppose to have all the bright ideas and she is leaving this up to me! I don't have a clue mom, you said we couldn't have a contest cause we don't have the money right now for prizes, so I don't know what else we could do. Then I got kinda upset with her cause all the other doggies have contests or really cool pictures and stuff celebrating their blogiversaries and all I'm gonna get is a regular post. Geesh!
Mom could see I was not happy with her. I had that look I get when I want to bite her on the ankle. So she said, here, you can have these.
Heck yeah those doggy donuts look yummy!! Where are they for real? Are they in the kitchen? No?? Why are you showing me pictures of treats? I can't eat pictures!

Here. I got you this cute hat to wear too. Look, it has little doggy paws on it.
No way mom!!
No way mom!!
I'm not wearing another stupid hat so you can take pictures and then laugh at how silly I look!
Well how bout you open your pressies then? I think you'll like what's inside.
Okay this is more like it! Pressies for me on my 1st blogiversary! Yippee!!

This is the worst blogiversary pawtay ever!!

Mom have you lost your mind? That is not our house! I don't even know who those doggies are!! Why can't you just help me make a post like the other doggies did for their blogiversaries?
Bijou, just be glad you have your own blog and be thankful for all the furiends you have made this past year. You know there are lots of doggies who don't have a home or enough food to eat and here you are whining about not getting more toys, treats and having contests and pictures taken. You really don't need all those things to celebrate your blogiversary now do ya?
You need to remember the reason we began this blog. It was to document our search for your playmates. Remember, I made that flyer and stuck it up around town. Unfortunately even though we got a few calls, you didn't find any playmates. But what you did find is all your furiends here in the blogosphere.
Okay mom, I see what you mean. The past year has been totally pawesome. I have enjoyed making so many wonderful furiends. And visiting all their blogs has been way more fun than I ever imagined.
Okay mom, I see what you mean. The past year has been totally pawesome. I have enjoyed making so many wonderful furiends. And visiting all their blogs has been way more fun than I ever imagined.
I know the next 365 days will be so much fun cause even though at times it has been hard for us to think of something to post about, all we have to do is go read your blogs and we find inspiration there. I love sharing the old pictures with you on Wordless Wednesday and Banjo pouts if he doesn't get to post his funnies for you on Toon Tuesday. And I hope to continue with the Diggity Dawg Game once mom has stopped spending all the money on our old house.
So I didn't get to celebrate my blogiversary in a big way.
Well that's okay cause I have lots of terrific furiends and that's what's important!
So I didn't get to celebrate my blogiversary in a big way.
Well that's okay cause I have lots of terrific furiends and that's what's important!
Happy Blogiversary Bijou! Mom and I love reading your blog and look forward to many more posts!
Hugs and Tail Wags,
I loved your virtual celebration Bijou! It was PERFECT!!!
Congratulations on your 1 year blogiversary!!!
I'm gonna go have another donut now... they're delicious!
Hooray for Bijou!!!! Happy Blogaverysary to you!!!!! That was a great post, I loved the donuts...they tasted delicious. I loved the hat...didn't we look adorable. I loved all those toys....weren't they so much fun to play with. That was the best blog party I have ever been to!! But I especially love you and your blog. Here's to another year of blogging my furiend!!!!
lotsa licks,
Happy blogiversary Bijou!! It sure has been a great year and you still did get a great big fun post!! I love those doggy donuts, don't they look yum-o?! We look forward to the next year with you!
Happy Blogaversary! Do NOT put one of those ice cream cone hats on your head...there is NO ICECREAM!! It's a TRAP!
Anyhoo, congrats on your bloggy world!
Happy Blogoversary! We love reading your blog (especially toon tuesdays!) even if you aren't having a contest. A Doggie friendship is much better than presents or cake or a shopping spree. Happy Blogging
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Happy Blogaversary!!! We are glad that you started your blog 1 year ago today and that we found you when we started ours, because if that never happened, then we would've never been friends for blog life!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
wow you have done a lot of posts!! happy anny!!!
Happy bloggiversary Bijou!!!
Bijou, this post had my mom cracking up, BOL!!!
Happy Blogiversary Bijou, we luv you and Banjo and your blog! Here's to another great year!
Hi Bijou! Happy blogiversary! I am so glad to be friends with you and Banjo, and I hope we blog together for a long time. Thanks for sharing all your pictures and adventures, and funnies!
Bijou and Banjo,
We wish you a very Happy Blogiversary. We love reading your posts, seeing all your picutres and funny cartoons, your blog always makes us smile :D
Long may you blog!
Wags and kisses, Dinah and Bridget xx
Happy Blogiversary Bijou! I love reading your blog. You and Banjo are way cool!
Peace out!
Happy Blogiversary! Brilliant post we must say! I love having bloggy friends from all over the world too! Just super special, don't ya think!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Happy blogaversary Bijou & co.! We are so happy that we met you and get to join in the celebration.
Happy blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary!!
Diego Dog
Yea Happy Blogiversary Bijou!! Hope you got a stuffie. We love your friends watching you
Benny & Lily
I am so happy that you are my friend and I hope that you are blogging for many many more years!
:) Tibby
Wow! Happy Bloggiversary Bijou!!! I hope you got lots of toys!
Happy Blogiversary Bijou!
Happy Blogoversary, Bijou!
I am very happy to be your friend!
Kisses and hugs
Here's to a furry special day!
Here's to many many more!
Happy Blogiversary Bijou! And many, many more!!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
happy Blogiversary Bijou and here's wishing you many more years of blogging
i'm glad we're friends and i want you to know how special you are to me as you were one of my first friends in the blogging world and i do appreciate that you extended your hand in friendship
come over to collect your award, my friend
Happy 1st Blogiversary Bijou!
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Happy Blogiversary!!! We love love love your blog!!! Congrats on 1 year! We do miss you over at Lovearat.us though. You should drop by for a visit!
Woofs and Kisses!
Happy Blogiversary, Bijou!
Even though maybe it wasn't a grand gala celebration like you might have dreamed of, think of all the smiles, laugh, and furiends you've gotten to meet over the last year! And just doing the blog shows how much your momma loves you, so go gives her a big kiss to thank her!! Congrats :)
Brutus the Frenchie
Happy Blogiversary Bijou...me and my mom love to come over to your house and see what you guys are up to with your mom...We hope you get to keep blogging for a very long time.
Wags and Wiggles
Happy Blogiversary! We are just starting out so that seems like a huge milestone!
Bijou & Banjo,
What an accomplishment, a whole year of blogging! We, your doggy-bloggy furiends, are so lucky to have you in the blogosphere. You bring smiles & cheer with your creative posts & pics.
No party of contest needed to celebrate your wonderfulness!
You guys were one of my first followers so I have a special place in my heart for you.
Here's to the next year!
Your pal,
Happy Blogiversary, Princess! Gosh! You do such a wonderful job I thought you had been doing this for years! Next time tell her you want steak. So, from being one of your furiends, I can deduce that you have not even had B-boy for more than a year.
Bijou, you are such a good furiend to me and my mom. Thanks so much!
Congrats on your first year!
Yipee!! Happy Blogiversary!
<3 S and D :)
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