We are wondering if any of you are having a problem with your profile pictures not showing up in the "followers" widget on the blogs you are following. I have recently begun following a few new blogs and while these sites were added to my reading list, I am not listed as a follower on these blogs. And even more annoying, my profile picture is missing from blogs I have been following for months! It now shows up as a red X when using IE and is missing entirely if using Firefox. I don't want any of my furiends to think I have stopped following their blogs so that is why I am posting about this. Mom also wanted to pass along a link to a form you can fill out if your profile is missing from any blogs, it will hopefully help the Blogger hoomans figure out how to fix the problem.
Hi B&B. Yes we noticed this too with your picture... No worries though! we know where the love is!!! This was happening to my dads picture on our blog too! He had to go in and delete the picture, repost it to his dashboard and it has worked ok since. Maybe it will work for you!!
Hugs & smooches XOXO
I have noticed this on a few of the newer blogs I follow also. I go back and have to follow again.
I will check into it, thanks.
Anne and Sasha
yeah i noticed your pic was missing but i thought you'd wanted to change to a newer pic.....not to worry, i know you will be there if you're needed....tq for clarifying
have a nice weekend and chikisses from me
Hi Bijou,
yes, we just realized that your pic in our follower box is also missing... ah... maybe you can try the suggestion from Hailey, who knows it will bring back your picture back. Don't worry, we know that you are still following and around.
Have a nice weekend.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Thanks for the suggestion Hailey, but I already tried removing my picture then adding it back several times and it didn't work.
If anyone else has something for me to try, I'm all ears. BOL
Hey Bijou, yeah, your piccy has been missing for a while. I change mine every few weeks. Maybe you can try that in case there's something wrong with your current picture. We know you are there, don't worry!!!
Hi Brind,
Thanks for that suggestion. I tried an older profile picture, then went and checked one of our furiend's blog and I am still missing. I even stopped following then followed again, but that didn't fix it either!
It seems Blogger doesn't like me anymore.
It took 9 hours for my newest post to even show up on the reading list. Maybe the blogger people are all on vacation?
Bijou, you're on my blog and I'm on yours! Your profile picture wasn't working, though. I thought it was just my computer, but I guess not.
This stuff tends to fix itself in time, so don't worry too much about it!
Now that you mention it, I was wondering who's photo had been replaced by a question mark - it's your that's missing, Bijou!! Hope you can figure it out soon, your face is too cute to not be properly represented!!
Bij, I have been having all kinds of trouble with Blogger for several days (possibly longer). It won't load some blogs or only load part of them. It took me almost 2 hours to do the post I put up last night because of Blogger. I tried for a long time last night to get the AO4 blog to load and it never did. I left a comment about it because I was so frustrated and they said they are having trouble too. So, it is not just you and Blogger who aren't getting along...it is all of us and Blogger!
Yep, we have noticed that Blogger is having other problems right now. My furiends list is all messed up too so we keep missing new posts! It is very annoying.
We haven't had problems with the following stuff, but we have had problems commenting on other blogs: we get an error message on a couple of them. Go figure.
We hope whatever the snafu is, that it gets resolved quickly!
blogger stinks we totally agree - we arent having that issue - but frequently have other issues
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
OMD! I just discovered my awards slideshow is not working like it should if you are using IE. Has it always been a column of pictures instead of a one after the other "Slideshow", like it is when you are using Firefox? I guess I'll have to start checking out my blog in IE whenever I make any changes to see if it is right or not.
Geesh!! Blogger needs to get it together.
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