Friday, March 20, 2009

An Award!

Our good friend Chase the Puggle sent me this terrific award a few days ago. Mom has been so busy with work and etc. that I had to remind her we needed to make a posting on this. Thanks Chase!

Even though it is the first day of Spring, we did not have a very nice day. The wind was blowing to much and it was cloudy and damp. Mom says we are suppose to have some thunder storms this weekend. It has been so long since I heard that booming noise, I just might bark at it.

This will be Banjo's first Spring and I can't wait til the night sky starts lighting up and the noise begins. I bet he will hide under the covers like a scaredy cat. Hee hee!

Life could not get any better. It is Spring and we have some fantastic friends.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bijou!
I hope Banjo will not be scared with the big noises!
I bark at them too!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs

Kathleen Coy said...

Our new house is on top of a big hill and the thunder is seriously twice as loud as at our other house. So yes...I am scared of it here...**blush**